Kenaikan bulanan amat tinggi iaitu lebih 11 %. Manakala kenaikan tahunan juga tinggi iaitu lebih 30 %. Bagi mereka yang mebeli emas pada bulan Disember 2011, sekarang sudah boleh jana keuntungan kira-kira 5 % dalam masa 2 bulan !! Itu amat tinggi.
Tapi suka saya mengingatkan pembaca, terutama setelah keluar satu artikel di utusan Malaysia mengatakan seorang yang rugi membeli jongkong emas kerana ketika menjual di kedai emas, nilai spread atau 'beza nilai' ialah 15 %. Nasihat saya, kalau boleh elakkan membeli jongkong di kedai emas kerana nilai spread agak tinggi. Beli jongkong emas di Public Gold, Kijang Emas atau UOB kerana spread agak rendah. Dan jangan beli waktu harga tengah mahal jika ingin jana keuntungan jangka pendek. Ingat, emas ialah pelaburan jangka sederhana dan panjang. Satu tahun dan ke atas. Jika ingin jana keuntungan jangka pendek kena ada ilmu dan skil untuk mengetahui bila masa yang sesuai untuk membeli dan menjual.
PRECIOUS-Gold steady; heads for biggest monthly gain since Aug
SINGAPORE, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Gold steadied onTuesday, after falling in the previous session on a weaker euro,
while prices were on track for their biggest monthly increase
since August.
* Spot gold added $1.05 an ounce to $1,729.69 an
ounce by 0030 GMT, having hit an intraday low around $1,716 on
Monday. Gold struck a record at $1,920.30 last September.
* Prices were headed for a more than 10 percent rise this
month, highest since a 12 percent gain in August 2011.
* Gold rose about 5 percent last week, its fourth
consecutive weekly gain, after the U.S. Federal Reserve said it
was unlikely to raise interest rates from near zero until at
least late 2014, which could put pressure on the dollar.
* Chancellor Angela Merkel cemented her political ascendancy
in Europe on Monday when 25 out of 27 EU states agreed to a
German-inspired pact for stricter budget discipline, even as
they struggled to rekindle growth from the ashes of austerity.
But differences over the limits of austerity, and Greece's
unfinished debt restructuring negotiations, hampered efforts to
convey a more optimistic message that Europe is getting on top
of its debt crisis.
* U.S. February gold was steady at $1,731.50 an