Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bagaimana nak menjual emas ?

Semalam baru saya terfikir, tentu ramai bakal pembeli atau penyimpan emas dan perak nak mengetahui, macammana nak jual emas kita bila tiba masanya.

Untuk emas atau perak Public Gold, ada 2 cara :-

1) Jual balik dengan Public Gold - harga murah sikit pasal untuk emas tolak spread (beza harga) sebanyak 6 % manakala untuk perak spread nya ialah 15%. Boleh juga beri pada mana-mana agen PG yang akan tolong bawa emas/perak tu ke pejabat Public Gold terdekat. Wang hasil jualan akan dimasukkan ke dalam akaun simpanan agen, sehari selepas penyerahan emas/perak.

2) Jual kepada mana-mana pembeli yang berminat. Paling mudah, iklankan dalam Facebook Public Gold. Cara ini mungkin dapat harga lebih tinggi sedikit. Tapi ingat jangan jual mahal sangat, nanti orang tak nak beli. Biasanya jual pada harga lebih tinggi sedikit daripada Harga 'We Buy' Public Gold.

Untuk emas Kijang Emas, senang je. Jual pada mana-mana kaunter maybank yang ada menjual Kijang Emas. Terus akan dapat duit tunai. Harga adalah kurang 4% dari nilai semasa emas tersebut.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Harga Emas Catat Rekod USD 1530

Harga emas naik lagi ke paras USD 1530 seounce. Memang sejak akhir-akhir ini, tulisan saya banyak cerita tentang harga emas naik. Nak buat macam mana, memang harga emas tengah naik. Ramai kawan-kawan tanya nak beli emas macam mana pada waktu ini. Yang saya boleh kata, beli pada waktu ini agak tinggi harganya. Ada juga pendapat mengatakan tunggu bila berlaku correction (penurunan sementara) baru beli pada waktu itu. Tapi apa yang berlaku, bila berlaku correction, ramai orang beli dan harga naik kembali. Kesimpulannya beli emas pada bila-bila masa tak pernah rugi, insya Allah. Harga tetap akan naik. Biasanya 27-32% setahun kadar kenaikan. Cuba lihat Jadual di bawah. Kenaikan tahunan semasa (365 hari) ialah USD 365.40 atau 31.36 %. Maknanya dalam setahun lepas, harga emas naik lebih RM 1,000 seounce !!! Bayangkan keuntungannya. Jika seorang membeli 30 ounce emas tahun lepas, bermakna dia sudah dapat laba lebih RM 30,000 !!!

Kenaikan harga emas kali ini dikaitkan dengan kebimbangan terhadap kadar inflasi oleh pembuat polisi kewangan. Ini menyebabkan ramai orang membeli emas dengan kadar yang banyak sebagai langkah pelaburan yang selamat.

Harga silver juga seolah-olah tidak mahu turun-turun. Berada di paras USD 48 seounce pada waktu ini.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Akhirnya emas cecah USD 1500

Seperti disebut-sebut sebelum ni, akhirnya harga emas cecah juga USD 1500 seounce. walaupun dijangka pada hujung April 2011, tetapi baru 20 April harga sudah melebihi USD 1500. Lepas ni kita tengok pula , bila harga akan cecah USD 1600.

Pada waktu ni sesuai untuk menjual bagi yang memang hendak menjana keuntungan atau bagi yang belum nak pakai wang, teruslah menyimpan. Kalau nak beli boleh, tapi pastikan seboleh mungkin beli atas tangan orang dengan harga yang lebih rendah daripada harga semasa. Itu sranan saya sahaja. Terpulanglah pada pembaca buat keputusan sendiri.

Kenaikan kali ini disebabkan oleh kelemahan US Dollar dan kerisauan berkenaan hutang di Eropah serta kadar inflasi yang lebih cepat naik daripada dijangka. Ini mengakibatkan ramai pelabur dengan segera beralih kepada pelaburan selamat iaitu kepada precious metals.

Perak juga mencatat rekod kenaikan tertinggi sejak 31 tahun yang lalu. Harga semasa perak ialah USD 44.73 seounce !!!! Sangat tinggi berbanding 3 bulan lalu.

Saya cadang jangan tunggu lagi. Kalau ada duit lebih di tangan, cuba-cubalah tukar sebahagiannya kepada emas atau perak, insya Allah ada keberkatan. Baru tadi lepas berbual dengan seorang kawan yang melabur banyak dalam fixed deposit sejak 10 tahun lalu. Sudah tentu keuntungannya tidak sebanyak jika membeli dan menyimpan emas dan perak. Kenaikan emas biasanya sekitar 27% - 31% setahun manakala perak kira-kira 25% dalam masa 4 bulan !!!

Di bawah adalah artikel dari Bloomberg berkenaan prestasi emas semasa. Selamat membaca.

Gold Exceeds $1,500 as Dollar Drops on Concern About U.S., European Debts

Gold rose above $1,500 an ounce to a record in London and New York as a weaker dollar and concern about debt and faster inflation spurred demand for an alternative investment. Silver reached a 31-year high.

The dollar slipped as much as 0.8 percent against six major currencies, trading at a 16-month low, while a U.S. gauge of trader inflation expectations approached the highest level since 2008. Gold, which typically moves inversely to the greenback, has climbed this year as unrest in the Middle East and North Africa and Europe’s debt crisis boosted demand.

“The dollar has lost ground to its major counterparts,” James Moore, an analyst at in London, said in a report to clients. “The mix of inflation, currency debasement, euro zone debt and Middle East and North African unrest continues to fuel investment demand.”

Immediate-delivery bullion gained as much as $9.33, or 0.6 percent, to $1,505.65 an ounce and was at $1,502.95 by 11:21 a.m. in London. Gold for June delivery was 0.6 percent higher at $1,503.60 an ounce on the Comex in New York after reaching a record $1,506.20.

Bullion rose to $1,505 an ounce in the morning “fixing” in London, used by some mining companies to sell output, from $1,490.50 at yesterday’s afternoon fixing.

The difference between yields on U.S. 10-year notes and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, a gauge of trader expectations for inflation, today widened to as much as 2.66 percentage points. The spread reached 2.67 percentage points on April 11, the most in three years. Standard & Poor’s lowered its U.S. credit-rating outlook on April 18, citing the widening budget deficit.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Emas naik lagi USD 1494 !!!!

Seperti dijangka emas naik lagi. Kali ni menghampiri USD 1500. Seperti dalam tulisan blog saya sebelum ni, kali ini giliran untuk emas pula naik selepas kenaikan perak tempohari. Sama-sama kita tunggu sampai mana emas akan naik. Bagi yang nak menjual, waktu ni paling sesuai untuk jana keuntungan. Ingat, harga bulan Januari 2011 hanya sekitar RM 2900, sekarang sudah RM 3331. Beza RM 400 lebih dalam masa 3 bulan. Cepat membeli dan menyimpan emas !!! Ingin lock harga boleh SMS saya 012-3140772.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Emas Dijangka Naik Hingga USD 1500 / USD 1600

Emas dan perak catat sejarah lagi sekali dengan harga tertinggi setakat ini. Harga terkini emas ialah USD 1486 manakala harga terkini perak ialah USD 43.05.

Saya baru lepas mendengar Kitco News. Menurut penganalasis yang ditemuramah emas mungkin akan naik sehingga USD 1500 atau USD 1600 pada hujung bulan April, Mei atau bulan-bulan berikutnya kerana setakat ini ia kelihatan tertinggal di belakang kenaikan pantas nilai perak. Ini jangkaan beliau. Mungkin berlaku mungkin tidak. Kenaikan kali ini dikatakan disebabkan kadar inflasi yang buruk di seluruh dunia.

Menurut beliau juga, oleh kerana perak naik begitu drastik akhir-akhir ini, harganya dijangka akan statik untuk beberapa ketika selepas ini. Ini kerana kenaikan baru-baru ini melebihi purata kenaikan bulanan perak.

Saya ada dapat tempahan dari rakan-rakan mengatakan jika harga emas PG 20g turun ke RM 3100, mereka mahu lock. Apa yang saya boleh katakan ia boleh berlaku, tapi agak sukar. Harga emas terkini ialah RM 3310.

Ada takde boleh cuba tengok di Facebook PG mana tahu ada orang nak jual dengan harga lebih murah daripada harga pasaran. Harga perak semasa pula seperti berikut :-

Saya ingat lagi pada bulan Januari 2011, harga perak 500g hanya sekitar RM 1900. Sekarang sudah RM 2793 !!! Naik kira-kira 47% dalam masa 4 bulan.

Mari kita cuba analisis prestasi kenaikan emas tahunan seperti di bawah :-

Kenaikan tahunan ialah sebanyak 28.27 % manakala purata kenaikan bulanan agak baik iaitu 6.06 %. Sama-sama kita pantau prestasi kenaikan emas melalui Jadual di atas yang ada di laman Di bawah ini adalah artikel kitco tentang prestasi emas semasa.

Inflation Worries Adding Further Fuel To Gold's Rally To Record Highs
15 April 2011, 12:32 p.m.
By Allen Sykora
Of Kitco News

(Kitco News) - Inflation worries remain a theme among gold traders, and this has been reinforced by some of the data this week in the U.S. and elsewhere, analysts said.

“I think inflation is a concern,” said Frank Lesh, broker and futures analyst with FuturePath Trading. “I think it’s one of the reasons we have been buying gold.”

Gold hit record Fresh highs and silver hit a 31-year peak Friday. As of roughly noon EDT, June gold had been as high as $1,480.50 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, while May silver had been as muscular as $42.825.

Analysts have cited a number of factors beyond ongoing strength, such as continuing European sovereign-debt issues, a weak U.S. dollar, unrest in the Middle East-North Africa region and concerns about U.S. budget deficits and a looming showdown between Republicans and Democrats over further spending.

Add inflation to that mix. A sharp increase in producer prices has many worried that the Federal Reserve’s current accommodative monetary policies will spark even greater increases in both consumer and producer prices later in the year, said Mike Zarembski, senior commodities analyst with optionsXpress.

“Gold has historically been seen as a store of value, and concerns about rising inflation -- especially with the U.S. dollar being as weak as it has been -- can only help to give added support to the gold market,” he said.

During the latter part of the week, the U.S. reported that the overall Producer Price Index rose 0.7% in March and the Consumer Price Index climbed 0.5%. Consumer prices have climbed 2.7% in the last 12 months, the largest such annualized increase since December 2009. Back in November, this rate had been around 1.1%.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Harga Perak Naik Lagi USD 42

Harga Perak naik lagi. Tak tahu bila nak turun untuk kita membeli. Hari tu saya jual jongkong perak saya, mudah betul dapat pembeli dalam masa 1 jam. Marilah kita membeli dan menyimpan perak juga. Bagi yang tiada modal besar, boleh bermula dengan Dirham Kelantan. Harga 1 dirham baru RM 27 sekarang ni. Kawan saya kata bila-bila masa boleh naik. Dulu waktu beliau mula membeli pada Oktober 2010, harga 1 dirham baru RM 18. Kalau tunggu tahun depan rasanya, harga boleh mencecah RM 50 !!!

Macam kata admin blog, beliau sudah mula menukar wang fiat (wang kertas) beliau sedikit demi sedikit kepada dinar dan dirham. Sedang wang fiat semakin susut nilainya, emas dan perak semakin naik. Mungkin akan berlaku pembetulan (penurunan sementara). tetapi waktu itulah kita membeli. Tetapi tiada jaminan bila akan turun lagi. Senang cakap, jika ada orang offer nak jual emas dan perak dengan harga yang lebih rendah sedikit daripada harga pasaran, beli saja jika kita mampu. Itu Best Buy namanya. Iaitu mebeli pada harga yang lebih rendah daripada pasaran. Nak cari penjual senang je. Layari facebook Public Gold. Ramai penjual mengiklankan produk di laman tersebut.

Bagi yang nak membeli Dirham Kelantan boleh layari website Islamic Mint. Jumpa lagi !

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ambil Peluang Sewaktu Pembetulan Pada Harga E&P

Artikel di bawah menyatakan jika terdapat sebarang pembetulan terhadap harga emas atau perak (harga turun sementara), pelabur perlu ambil peluang membeli untuk tujuan pelaburan jangka panjang. Menurut jangkaan penulis artikel tersebut, harga emas akan naik sehingga USD 1800-2000 seounce dalam masa beberapa tahun lagi manakala harga perak akan naik sehingga USD 55 seounce.

US Dollar pada ketika ini agak merosot nilainya berbanding matawang lain. Data pengangguran di US yang tidak memberangsangkan juga telah mengurangkan keyakinan pelabur terhadap matawang USD lantas mereka berpindah untuk melabur di dalam komoditi termasuk di dalam 'precious metals' seperti emas, perak dan lain-lain.

Menurut artikel di bawah, pelabur jangka panjang dicadangkan membeli perak ketika harga menjadi USD 33-35 dan menjualnya pada harga USD 48-55. 

Kenyataan di atas hanya bersifat jangkaan penulis artikel berkenaan. Kita perlu membuat pertimbangan sendiri, selawat dan buat keputusan.

If you see a Gold correction, grab the opportunity - Comodity Online

By Shyamal Mehta

MUMBAI (Commodity Online): US dollar becoming weak against major currencies lifted dollar denominated commodities higher last week as weak USD makes dollar denominated commodities less expensive for other currency holders.


US dollar index lost 0.96 % on Friday last week while on weekly basis it fell by approximately 1.3%. While against Euro, the dollar fell by 1.4% for the week ended on 8th April, 2011. Dollar traded weak throughout the week against basket of major currencies. Euro became strong against US dollar as expected 25 basis point rate hiked by (ECB) European Central Bank. The ECB hiked interest rate from 1% to 1.25%.

The reason for decline in USD was mainly because of investors unwinded their positions from USD and shifted their focuss on riskier commodities on growing optimism of global economic recovery.

Even better than expected US jobless claims data could not provide support to the greenback.


Gold prices were going up constantly in the last week. Gold future prices rose by approximately one percent on Friday last week while on weekly basis it settled at 1474.1 USD per ounce higher by more than three percent. Gold prices went up as dollar became weak which boosted the metal’s demand as an alternative asset and also because of inflation hedge as Crude also went up last week by approximately 4.5 percent.

Gold prices were rising in the last week on the back of speculative and investment demand and physical demand of Gold was not seen picking up in the last week.

Silver prices has tested multi year high levels above $40 per ounce and last traded at $40.6 per ounce. Silver prices gained by 2.6% on last Friday and more than 7.5 percent in the last week. Silver continued outperforming Gold from last three months and likely to give better returns in the coming months also as compared to Gold. Silver gained by more than 45% in last three months while Gold gave return of more than 10 percent in the said period. Silver prices are seen rising further and heading towards 44 dollar per ounce mark.

Gold and silver prices have risen in recent past was also because of investment demand from hedge fund houses where Silver prices have risen with abnormal speed which may trigger sell off and may fall on profit bookig and correct by 15-20 percent in near term.

Any correction in bullion prices is a good long term investment opportunity for investors as Gold and Silver prices are still in medium and long term uptrend. Gold prices are seen rising in next couple of years and may touch 1800-2000 $ per ounce. And Silver could test $ 55 per ounce levels in the next couple of years.

Long term investors can buy silver somewhere around $ 33-35 per ounce keeping a stop loss of 29 dollar mark and can wait for the targets of 48-55 levels in long term.

Fenomena Perak

Perak sudah menjadi fenomena sekarang ini disebabkan harganya naik begitu mendadak jauh lebih cepat daripada emas. Jika pembaca pernah membaca tulisan saya sebelum ini, memang ada saya katakan harga perak naik lebih cepat daripada perak. Cumanya yang menjadi penghalang orang ramai melabur dalam perak dengan banyaknya disebabkan dua faktor. Satu kerana spreadnya yang tinggi dan kedua disebabkan tidak boleh dipajak.

Saya ada membeli beberapa keping silver bar pada bulan 12 lalu. Dalam masa tidak sampai 4 bulan saya sudah menjana keuntungan yang amat baik apabila menjualnya semalam. Tidak sampai satu jam saya iklankan di facebook, telah sold out. Malah ada yang marah-marah pada saya kerana tidak rezabkan pada dia dan ramai lagi bertanya jika ada stok boleh jual lagi.

Pesanan saya , kita simpan emas dan perak niatnya untuk amalkan hadith nabi SAW seperti tertera di atas blog saya ini. Pasti ada keberkatannya. Nabi suruh simpan dinar dan dirham. Kita pun amal. Bukan setakat hadith ini, mana-mana hadith Nabi SAW kalau kita amal ada keberkatannya, insya Allah. Jangan lupa, bayar zakat setelah cukup setahun. Untuk ini kita kena ada inventori emas dan perak, tarikh kita beli, harga dia dan kuantiti dia. Agar bila cukup tempoh, mudahlah kita mengira berapa banyak kita kena bayar zakat. Cara mengira zakat ada dalam blog saya sebelum ini seperti yang ditulis oleh Encik Syukor dan ada juga di laman web Pusat Zakat Selangor.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Emas dan Perak Catat Rekod Tertinggi USD 1475 / USD 40.95

Wah !!! Berita baik untuk semua penyimpan emas dan perak. Harga Emas dan Perak Naik lagi dan catat rekod tertinggi. Kali ini kenaikan disebabkan kejatuhan nilai USD yang teruk kerana harga barangan konsumer naik di US.

Perak naik dengan drastik. Dalam masa 1 atau 2 bulan sudah jana keuntungan besar. Kenaikan tahunan semasa emas ialah 28.13%. Jadi seperti saya tulis sebelum ini, tunggu harga turun sedikit selepas ini, mari kita membeli.....

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Harga Emas Catat Rekod Tertinggi USD 1466

Seperti dijangka, harga emas naik walaupun sebelum ini berlaku penurunan. Kali ini, kenaikan disebabkan kehilangan keyakinan pelabur terhadap prestasi US Dollar dan ekonomi Eropah yang tidak memberangsangkan.

Kepada semua penyimpan emas, jangan sangsi walaupun ada ketika nampaknya macam harga emas tidak naik-naik. Emas tetap akan naik, insya Allah. Kadar kenaikan setahun (365 hari) biasanya sekitar 27%. Tolak spread 6 %, ada lagi keuntungan 21% setahun.

So kesimpulannya, bila harga turun sekejap lepas ni, marilah membeli emas atau perak (mengikut mana yang kita mampu). Jangan tunggu tahun depan. Sudah terlambat ketika itu. Di bawah ialah harga emas pada ketika ini. Lihat kenaikan tahunannya ialah 27.40 %.

P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Hits Another High; Traders Digest ECB Rate Hike, Another Quake in Japan
07 April 2011, 02:20 p.m.

(Kitco News) -Comex gold futures ended near steady Thursday, but prices did push to a new all-time record high of $1,466.50, basis the active June contract. Precious metals markets absorbed a powerful new earthquake in Japan and a rate hike from the European Central Bank Thursday, with prices remaining fairly stable through both events. Comex June gold last traded up $1.50 an ounce at $1,460.00. Spot gold last traded down $0.30 at $1,459.50.

At mid-morning a 7.0 magnitude temblor struck northeast Japan. Tsunami warnings were immediately issued for Japan. Fresh damage estimates are not known as the quake occurred in the middle of the night in Japan. The stock and financial markets were roiled on the initial reports of the temblor. However, those markets quickly settled down. Meantime the gold and silver markets reacted little to the news.

Earlier in the morning, the European Central Bank raised its main interest rate by 0.25%. The move was expected and had no major price impact on gold or silver. The fact the ECB did raise interest rates will no doubt resonate with other major central banks. China earlier this week also raised its interest rates. While the U.S. Federal Reserve maintains it still needs an easy monetary policy to stimulate economic growth, you can bet Fed Chairman Bernanke is realizing the U.S. central bank will have to raise interest rates sooner rather than later. Indeed, a look at the U.S. Treasury market price action this week shows U.S. interest rates are already rising. Rising world interest rates do suggest increasing inflationary price pressures, and that's bullish for the precious metals markets.

The U.S. dollar index did move to its daily high in the wake of the ECB rate hike and the earthquake, but then backed down from its highs to trade not far above steady. However, the dollar index is still trading near the contract low scored recently. Also, the overall technical posture of the U.S. dollar index remains fully bearish, and that continues to be a bullish factor for the precious metals.

Crude oil prices traded higher Thursday morning and pushed above $110.00 a barrel for a time. Crude oil prices are at a two-year high. There are also inflationary implications with crude oil prices near $110.00 a barrel, and with other raw commodity market prices also at near record or multi-year highs. Importantly, traders will also continue to look to the crude oil futures market as a gauge of the present world geopolitical tensions, especially in the volatile Middle East.

From a safe-haven investment demand perspective, precious metals continue to see buying interest due to geopolitical events in the world. Portugal has now asked the European Union for help with its sovereign debt crisis. That's not a big surprise, but it does underscore the overall debt problem in the European Union. It's very likely this situation will continue to fester, which would continue to bolster gold and silver prices.
The London P.M. gold fix was $1,459.50 versus the previous P.M. fixing of $1,461.50.

Technically, June Comex gold futures prices closed near mid-range Thursday. The technicals and fundamentals remain fully bullish in the gold market. Continued safe-haven buying and inflation worries are supportive. There are still no early technical warning signals that a market top is close at hand for gold. Prices are in a two-month-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next near-term upside technical objective is to produce a close above major psychological resistance at $1,500.00. Bears' next near-term downside price breakout objective is closing prices below solid technical support at this week's low of $1,429.10. First resistance is seen at Thursday's all-time high of $1,466.50 and then at $1,470.00. First support is seen at Thursday's low of $1,453.70 and then at $1,447.20. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 9.0.
(NOTE: For an explanation of my exclusive Wyckoff's Market Rating system, just send me an email at and I'll attach it and email it back to you.--Jim)
May silver futures closed up 15.8 cents at $39.545 an ounce Thursday. Prices closed near mid-range and closed at a fresh 31-year high close. Bulls have the strong overall near-term technical advantage. A 2.5-month-old uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. There are still no early clues to suggest a market top is close at hand. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at this week's low of $37.81. Bulls' next upside price objective is producing a close above psychological resistance at $40.00 an ounce. First resistance is seen at Wednesday's high of $39.785 and then at $40.00. Next support is seen at Wednesday's low of $39.20 and then at $39.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 9.0.
May N.Y. copper closed up 435 points at 441.35 cents Wednesday. Prices closed nearer the session high and hit a fresh two-week high. More short covering and perceived bargain-hunting buying interest were seen. Bulls have the overall near-term technical advantage and have regained upside momentum. Bulls' next upside breakout objective is pushing and closing prices above solid technical resistance at the last "reaction high" of 445.45 cents. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at last week's low of 421.20 cents. First resistance is seen at Thursday's high of 443.70 cents and then at 445.00. First support is seen at 440.00 cents and then at 437.50 cents. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 7.0.