Tak sampai beberapa hari, harga emas naik kembali. begitulah lumrah emas, pantang rendah orang akan beli. Kalau tinggi sama ada orang simpan atau jual. Kenaikan tahunan sekarang ialah 29.54 %.
Abu Bakar Ibn Abi Maryam melaporkan bahawa beliau mendengar RASULULLAH SAW telah bersabda; Akan tiba suatu zaman di mana tiada apa yang bernilai dan boleh digunakan oleh umat manusia. Maka simpanlah dinar dan dirham. Musnad Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Harga Emas Jatuh Kembali ke USD 1415
Wah ! Harga emas jatuh kembali disebabkan jualan oleh pelabur untuk menjana keuntungan sewaktu harga tinggi tempohari. Juga disebabkan kenaikan prestasi ekonomi di US dan harga minyak mentah yang menurun. Jika ada yang bercadang membeli emas, waktu ini agak sesuai kerana jika dibandingkan rekod tertinggi minggu lepas USD 1447, harga sekarang agak murah. Tapi mungkin ia akan menjadi lebih rendah, tiada siapa tahu. Terpulang pada kita membuat keputusan.
Apa pun sukar sekarang ni untuk meperolehi harga pada hujung 2010 lalu iaitu di sekitar USD 1367. Kesimpulannya, membeli dan menyimpan emas tidak pernah rugi. Kalau terus menunggu harga lebih rendah, silap2 ia akan menjadi semakin naik dan naik dan sukar berpatah balik pada harga yang kita harapkan. Jangan lupa perak. Kadar kenaikan perak adalah lebih pantas berbanding emas.
Saya suka melihat prestasi emas dengan jadual Kitco di bawah. Apa pun berlaku, kenaikan tahunan (365 hari yang lalu) untuk emas sentiasa positif iaitu sekitar 25% hingga 30%. Ini menunjukkan harga sekarang adalah 27.93% lebih tinggi daripada harga pada 28 Mac 2010 atau kenaikan sebanyak USD 309 seounce !!!! Kan dah untung besar namanya tu. Jadi, marilah kita menyimpan emas. Tapi jangan lupa bayar zakat ye.. Pasti tidak rugi dan mendapat keberkatan.
Gold declined for a third day in London as some investors sold the metal after its rally to a record and on signs the U.S. economy is improving. Silver, platinum and palladium also fell.
The U.S. economy grew at a 3.1 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter, revised up from a 2.8 percent estimate issued last month, data showed March 25. Gold reached a record $1,447.82 an ounce on March 24 as fighting in Libya, the Japanese nuclear crisis and concerns about European debt boosted demand for a protection of wealth.
“The U.S. numbers have not been all that awful,” said Afshin Nabavi, a senior vice president at bullion refiner MKS Finance SA in Geneva. “The market has had a huge move up and the higher we go up, the more chance of a bigger correction.”
Immediate-delivery bullion fell $11.77, or 0.8 percent, to $1,417.97 an ounce by 9:49 a.m. in London. Prices are little changed this quarter after gaining the previous nine quarters. Gold for June delivery was 0.6 percent lower at $1,419.40 an ounce on the Comex in New York.
Consumer spending in the U.S. probably accelerated in February as the labor market improved, economists said before a report today. Policy makers should review whether to complete a second round of quantitative-easing purchases because of strong U.S. economic data, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard said March 26.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization said yesterday it has taken command of all military operations to ensure the safety of Libyan civilians against forces loyal to leader Muammar Qaddafi. Rebel forces advanced westward with support from NATO air strikes targeting Sirte, the hometown of the country’s leader.
Apa pun sukar sekarang ni untuk meperolehi harga pada hujung 2010 lalu iaitu di sekitar USD 1367. Kesimpulannya, membeli dan menyimpan emas tidak pernah rugi. Kalau terus menunggu harga lebih rendah, silap2 ia akan menjadi semakin naik dan naik dan sukar berpatah balik pada harga yang kita harapkan. Jangan lupa perak. Kadar kenaikan perak adalah lebih pantas berbanding emas.
Saya suka melihat prestasi emas dengan jadual Kitco di bawah. Apa pun berlaku, kenaikan tahunan (365 hari yang lalu) untuk emas sentiasa positif iaitu sekitar 25% hingga 30%. Ini menunjukkan harga sekarang adalah 27.93% lebih tinggi daripada harga pada 28 Mac 2010 atau kenaikan sebanyak USD 309 seounce !!!! Kan dah untung besar namanya tu. Jadi, marilah kita menyimpan emas. Tapi jangan lupa bayar zakat ye.. Pasti tidak rugi dan mendapat keberkatan.
Gold Declines on Rally to Record Price, Signs of Improving Economy in U.S.
Gold declined for a third day in London as some investors sold the metal after its rally to a record and on signs the U.S. economy is improving. Silver, platinum and palladium also fell.
The U.S. economy grew at a 3.1 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter, revised up from a 2.8 percent estimate issued last month, data showed March 25. Gold reached a record $1,447.82 an ounce on March 24 as fighting in Libya, the Japanese nuclear crisis and concerns about European debt boosted demand for a protection of wealth.
“The U.S. numbers have not been all that awful,” said Afshin Nabavi, a senior vice president at bullion refiner MKS Finance SA in Geneva. “The market has had a huge move up and the higher we go up, the more chance of a bigger correction.”
Immediate-delivery bullion fell $11.77, or 0.8 percent, to $1,417.97 an ounce by 9:49 a.m. in London. Prices are little changed this quarter after gaining the previous nine quarters. Gold for June delivery was 0.6 percent lower at $1,419.40 an ounce on the Comex in New York.
Consumer spending in the U.S. probably accelerated in February as the labor market improved, economists said before a report today. Policy makers should review whether to complete a second round of quantitative-easing purchases because of strong U.S. economic data, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank President James Bullard said March 26.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization said yesterday it has taken command of all military operations to ensure the safety of Libyan civilians against forces loyal to leader Muammar Qaddafi. Rebel forces advanced westward with support from NATO air strikes targeting Sirte, the hometown of the country’s leader.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Ada negeri di US ingin beralih pada piawaian emas
Disebabkan keadaan ekonomi tidak menentu dan hilang kepercayaan terhadap keupayaan Fiat Money, ada juga beberapa negeri di US bercadang menukar piawaian kewangan mereka kepada piawaian emas. Walaubagaimanapun ia nyata bertentangan denggan ketetapan dengan US Federal Law. Dalam posting terdahulu, ada dinyatakan Russia juga pernah bercadang beralih arah kepada piawaian emas. Tidak mustahil satu masa nanti sistem kewangan di dunia ini kembali disandarkan kepada piawaian emas seperti sistem dulu-dulu.
FOCUS: Some U.S. States Look At Potential Return To Gold Standard; May Conflict With Federal Law
(Kitco News) - Uncertain economic times and distrust of fiat currencies have people around the globe flocking to the safety of hard assets, with gold and silver the primary beneficiaries of that discontent.
Some U.S. state legislators are starting to also look at what they can do to protect their local economies and many are wondering how they can enact a gold standard. It’s unlikely, however, that states can go very far without being in conflict with federal law.
Most famously, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) has advocated the abolition of the Federal Reserve and a return to a gold standard.
Lawmakers in several states, including Tennessee, Virginia, New Hampshire and South Carolina, have introduced bills to look into minting their own currencies in the event of a complete breakdown of the U.S. Federal Reserve. In Georgia, a bill to make the state only use gold and silver is in committee.
Utah has received the most media attention on this subject as the House and Senate have passed HB317, which would recognize gold and silver coins as legal tender and exempt them from certain state tax liability. Although the legislative session for Utah is over, Gov. Gary R. Herbert has until March 30 to veto the bill; if he does not, it automatically becomes law.
Republican Utah Sen. Scott Jenkins, a co-sponsor of the bill, told Kitco News the state would take no action now, but that passage would allow an interim study group to further research whether they could or should establish an alternative form of legal tender.
Republican Utah Rep. Brad Galvez, who introduced the bill, said that the state of the U.S. economy is what spurred the bill.
“This is a step in preparedness, a step in security,” Galvez said, “It allows us to be able to hold up our economy as the dollar continues to shrink.”
Jenkins said he didn’t know what the governor’s view is on the bill, and calls and emails to the Utah governor’s office by Kitco News were not returned.
Galvez said one aspect the committee would examine is how gold and silver coins could be treated.
“If you were to take a gold coin or silver and tender it for a pair of shoes…the face value may be $1 but the spot price may be $36. So what the Revenue Taxation Committee would be responsible for is to study the implementation of it. If you have a tendered coin, you would want to get the value of it not just the face value,” Galvez told Kitco News.
However, the legislation would not force merchants to accept gold and silver coins as payment, Galvez said.
All coins struck by the U.S. Mint are legal tender under the 1965 Coinage Act, said David L Ganz, managing partner and principal litigator in the law firm of Ganz & Hollinger, P.C. in New York City. Ganz has edited the book “America’s Coinage Laws (1792-1894)” and is a life fellow of the American Numismatic Society.
“I can take my commemorative coins to the bank or the post office and for my $1 silver coin, which is worth about $32, I will get $1 in stamps or four quarters in change,” Ganz said.
That’s because the term “legal tender” refers to a set price. It doesn’t track the metal inside. “It doesn’t matter how much it weighs. Congress says what the value is,” he said.
Legislators who are seeking a return to the gold standard or to use gold and silver coins according to their weight point to two areas in the U.S. Constitution they believe support their goals. The first is Article 1, Section 8, which deals with Congress’ ability to coin money and regulate its value. The second is the 10th Amendment, which sets up states’ rights. Some of these powers include the ability of the states to look out for the welfare and safety of its citizens.
“All of these proposals and laws are a sign of our times. State and local governments are severely under stress and they’re looking down the road at ways to protect themselves. That’s the practical economic view. The legal view is this is another battle between the 10th amendment and Article 1,” said Albert Navarra, author of “The Elements of Constitutional Law” and a practicing lawyer since 1999.
The 10th amendment is not “a blank check” for states to do what they want, he said, and often that amendment bumps into other laws.
“Under the Constitution, states can’t make their own currency, even if they’re concerned about hyper inflation. That’s when the federal government would step in and say it’s prohibited,” Navarra said, referring to Article 1, Section 10 , prohibiting states from coining money.
He explained that Article 1 of the Constitution creates a common economic market in the U.S. This is why Congress has the power over interstate commerce and can strike down a state law if it interferes with interstate commerce.
Both Navarra and Ganz said even though the Constitution says “to coin” and not “to print” money, the Supreme Court’s rulings on the matter are why paper money is recognized as legal tender.
“The Constitution is written in very general terms; it’s up for the Supreme Court to interpret the specifics. For instance, the Constitution doesn’t have anything in there about credit cards or web points,” Navarra said.
Ganz said the issue regarding paper money dates back to 1862 and the Legal Tender Act which was created during the Civil War. There were several cases about the constitutionality of legal tender brought to the Supreme Court, the final being heard in 1884 in a case called Juilliard vs. Greenman, with the court ruling in favor of paper money usage.
Because Congress sets the value of money, states that want to value gold and silver coins by weight rather than the face value could run afoul of federal law. Several of the proposals, such as the one in the Georgia house banking committee, would use the daily fluctuating price of gold and silver. If states were to pursue that, it would be in violation of Article 1, section 8, Navarra said.
Further, Ganz said, calling something “legal tender” is an act of compulsion. “If someone comes to you to pay an obligation, you can decline to accept it, but then you lose any rights to take against the person,” he said.
Ganz also said because values fluctuate daily, accepting gold and silver coins for payment bring up realistic problems. “If you have a silver coin with a face value of $30 with an ounce of pure silver in it and it trades to $34, it’s now competing with itself because of the price of the metal,” he said.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
Daniela Cambone of Kitco News dcambone@kitco.com contributed to this article.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Doakan Situasi Di Libya
Di tengah kesibukan kita, marilah kita sama-sama berdoa agar Allah SWT membantu saudara-saudara kita di Libya yang sedang mengalami kesukaran. Walau apa pun, saya amat-amat tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan tentera bersekutu mencabuli kedaulatan negara Libya dengan sesuka hati mengebom negara berkenaan. Atas dasar apa mereka berbuat begitu. Walau bagaimana benci sekalipun dengan tindakan Presiden Gadafi, bagi saya mereka tiada hak untuk berbuat begitu dan kedaulatan negara Libya tidak boleh dicemar sebegitu rupa. Bayangkan sekiranya negara Amerika, UK atau Perancis dibom oleh negara lain, apa perasaan mereka. Kita mesti mengecam sekeras-kerasnya tindakan tentera bersekutu berkenaan. Semoga Allah SWT menggagalkan rancangan jahat tersebut dan membantu saudara-saudara seislam kita. Ameen.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Emas Naik Melebihi RM 3200
Seperti dijangka emas naik melebihi RM 3200 untuk jongkong 20g. Kenaikan sejak sebulan lalu sudah bertambah USD 53.30 seounce. Harga Kijang Emas hari ini pula kembali melebihi RM 4600 seounce. Adakah ia akan naik lagi ? Jangkaan saya ia akan naik lagi cuma tak pasti sehingga berapa. Sama-sama kita tunggu.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Emas dijangka naik minggu hadapan
Penganalisis menjangkakan harga emas akan naik minggu hadapan disebabkan ketegangan di Libya dan bencana di Jepun. Menurut jangkaan mereka harga emas mungkin akan naik sehingga USD 1470-1480 hujung hulan ini. Penurunan emas pada minggu lepas sebenarnya memberi peluang untuk pelabur membeli emas pada harga yang rendah sebelum menjualnya kembali ketika harga tinggi nanti untuk menjana keuntungan. Sama-sama kita pantau harga emas hingga hujung bulan ini.
Mideast Unrest To Support Gold Next Week
(Kitco News) - The unrest in the Mideast is flaring again, sharing the news spotlight with the tragedy in Japan, and that is expected to underpin gold prices going into next week.
Sterling J. Smith, commodity trading adviser and market analyst with Country Hedging, said after gold’s break earlier this week on the devastation in Japan, the market is ready to rebound.
Gold did not act as a safe-haven during the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear worries. Prices fell during the early part of the week and analysts attributed the break to investors selling gold to raise cash in order to shore up positions in other markets that were falling after the news in Japan. By Friday, gold rebounded with other markets.
“There’s a little bit more risk appetite coming back into the macro theater and gold is benefitting from that,” Smith said.
April gold futures prices on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1,416.10 an ounce, down 0.4% on the week. May silver settled at $35.058 an ounce, down 2.44%.
“We’ve come back nicely. We went down to $1,380 and people are willing to buy breaks. It’s still a bull market, although a more mature bull market,” said Frank Lesh, futures analyst at FuturePath Trading.
The most supportive factor for gold has been the unrest in the Middle East, Lesh said.
Gold prices saw an uptick after the United Nations Security Council authorized Thursday a ”no-fly” zone in Libya that included “all necessary measures” to enforce the decision. By Friday morning U.S. time, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi declared a cease-fire on its attacks on rebels seeking out oust him from more than four decades of power. Following the announcement, gold prices slipped from earlier levels.
Even though there is a cease-fire in Libya, violent protests have broken out in Yemen, where the government has declared a state of emergency, and Smith said there are plenty of other events for gold to help “fill the void.”
“With the tensions in the Middle East, it’s like playing ‘Whack-a-mole.’ (Tensions) settle in one region, only to pop up in another,” he said.
Currency volatility also underpinned gold, Lesh said. Central banks intervened jointly to stop the rise of the Japanese yen, the first time in 10 years, a move that was expected. Meanwhile the dollar has turned back down, supporting gold and other commodities. “People are still using gold as an international currency,” he said.
Over the course of the month, Smith expects gold to rise to the $1,470 to $1,480 level.
Goldman Sachs said Friday in a research note that the pullback in gold prices following the devastation in Japan offers investors a chance to buy the yellow metal at lower prices. They said gold prices should continue to rally and they are maintaining their three-month target of $1,480.
Rich DeFalco, president, West Cooper Asset Management, also is looking for $1,480 in the next three months, calling himself “totally bullish right now.”
“Gold is still a good investment…. Why? Real interest rates in the U.S. are still negative,” he said.
For platinum group metals, though, Goldman said much depends on how Japan quickly can recover. PGM prices fell sharply this week because automotive manufacturing in Japan was curtailed. Goldman noted Japan is key to the global auto production. “Not only does Japan account for 12.6% of global automobile production, it also accounts for a large share of global industrial PGM consumption: 16.4% for platinum and 18.1% for palladium in 2010,” the bank said.
On the U.S. economic calendar for next week are new and existing home sales, durable goods and revision to fourth-quarter gross domestic product. Smith said there should be little here to affect metals.
While he is bullish on gold, silver is giving him some concern. “The (gold/silver) ratio is tightening to an area that I’m not comfortable with,” he said.
The ratio is around 40 and represents the number of ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold. When the ratio falls it’s because silver is outpacing gold.
He said silver’s price might be “overheating” and he cites action in copper for this view. Silver can be used as both a precious and industrial metal while copper is mostly used in fabrication. Recent price gains for both have reflected a rebound in global manufacturing, analysts said.
However, copper prices tumbled over the news from Japan and Smith pointed out the Chinese central bank said Friday lenders must raise reserve requirements. That will help slow down China’s high-growth economy and could curtail its commodity usage.
“We’re looking at a summer slowdown in copper use and it could go back down under $4 (a pound) to maybe the $3.70s. Heaviness in copper will weigh on silver,” he said.
He said he’s not necessarily looking for silver to correct, but said it might show more “sideways” action. Resistance for silver is seen between $35 to $35.50 and then around $36.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
(Kitco News) - The unrest in the Mideast is flaring again, sharing the news spotlight with the tragedy in Japan, and that is expected to underpin gold prices going into next week.
Sterling J. Smith, commodity trading adviser and market analyst with Country Hedging, said after gold’s break earlier this week on the devastation in Japan, the market is ready to rebound.
Gold did not act as a safe-haven during the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and nuclear worries. Prices fell during the early part of the week and analysts attributed the break to investors selling gold to raise cash in order to shore up positions in other markets that were falling after the news in Japan. By Friday, gold rebounded with other markets.
“There’s a little bit more risk appetite coming back into the macro theater and gold is benefitting from that,” Smith said.
April gold futures prices on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange settled at $1,416.10 an ounce, down 0.4% on the week. May silver settled at $35.058 an ounce, down 2.44%.
“We’ve come back nicely. We went down to $1,380 and people are willing to buy breaks. It’s still a bull market, although a more mature bull market,” said Frank Lesh, futures analyst at FuturePath Trading.
The most supportive factor for gold has been the unrest in the Middle East, Lesh said.
Gold prices saw an uptick after the United Nations Security Council authorized Thursday a ”no-fly” zone in Libya that included “all necessary measures” to enforce the decision. By Friday morning U.S. time, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi declared a cease-fire on its attacks on rebels seeking out oust him from more than four decades of power. Following the announcement, gold prices slipped from earlier levels.
Even though there is a cease-fire in Libya, violent protests have broken out in Yemen, where the government has declared a state of emergency, and Smith said there are plenty of other events for gold to help “fill the void.”
“With the tensions in the Middle East, it’s like playing ‘Whack-a-mole.’ (Tensions) settle in one region, only to pop up in another,” he said.
Currency volatility also underpinned gold, Lesh said. Central banks intervened jointly to stop the rise of the Japanese yen, the first time in 10 years, a move that was expected. Meanwhile the dollar has turned back down, supporting gold and other commodities. “People are still using gold as an international currency,” he said.
Over the course of the month, Smith expects gold to rise to the $1,470 to $1,480 level.
Goldman Sachs said Friday in a research note that the pullback in gold prices following the devastation in Japan offers investors a chance to buy the yellow metal at lower prices. They said gold prices should continue to rally and they are maintaining their three-month target of $1,480.
Rich DeFalco, president, West Cooper Asset Management, also is looking for $1,480 in the next three months, calling himself “totally bullish right now.”
“Gold is still a good investment…. Why? Real interest rates in the U.S. are still negative,” he said.
For platinum group metals, though, Goldman said much depends on how Japan quickly can recover. PGM prices fell sharply this week because automotive manufacturing in Japan was curtailed. Goldman noted Japan is key to the global auto production. “Not only does Japan account for 12.6% of global automobile production, it also accounts for a large share of global industrial PGM consumption: 16.4% for platinum and 18.1% for palladium in 2010,” the bank said.
On the U.S. economic calendar for next week are new and existing home sales, durable goods and revision to fourth-quarter gross domestic product. Smith said there should be little here to affect metals.
While he is bullish on gold, silver is giving him some concern. “The (gold/silver) ratio is tightening to an area that I’m not comfortable with,” he said.
The ratio is around 40 and represents the number of ounces of silver it takes to buy an ounce of gold. When the ratio falls it’s because silver is outpacing gold.
He said silver’s price might be “overheating” and he cites action in copper for this view. Silver can be used as both a precious and industrial metal while copper is mostly used in fabrication. Recent price gains for both have reflected a rebound in global manufacturing, analysts said.
However, copper prices tumbled over the news from Japan and Smith pointed out the Chinese central bank said Friday lenders must raise reserve requirements. That will help slow down China’s high-growth economy and could curtail its commodity usage.
“We’re looking at a summer slowdown in copper use and it could go back down under $4 (a pound) to maybe the $3.70s. Heaviness in copper will weigh on silver,” he said.
He said he’s not necessarily looking for silver to correct, but said it might show more “sideways” action. Resistance for silver is seen between $35 to $35.50 and then around $36.
By Debbie Carlson of Kitco News dcarlson@kitco.com
Friday, March 18, 2011
Harga Emas Naik Kembali Sebanyak USD 10
Seperti dijangka harga emas naik kembali melebihi USD 1400 dalam masa singkat disebabkan belian secara besar-besaran oleh pelabur selepas berlaku penurunan mengejut tempoh hari. Seperti dinyatakan dalam posting saya sebelum ini, pelabur dijangka mengambil kesempatan dengan harga yang rendah untuk menambah pelaburan mereka. Pembelian juga disebabkan kebimbangan pelabur selepas tindakan Majlis Keselamatan PBB mengenakan ketetapan 'No Fly Zone' ke atas Libya. Memang benar menyimpan emas adalah sesuatu yang menguntungkan. Jangan lupa bayar zakat pula ye...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Harga Emas Yang Rendah Dijangka Meningkatkan Permintaan
Para pelabur dijangka kembali kepada pelaburan emas kerana mengambil kesempatan terhadap penurunan harga emas menjunam baru-baru ini. Ini akan menyebabkan harga emas naik kembali kerana permintaan yang meningkat. Untuk kita sifirnya mudah, beli waktu harga rendah, simpan/jual waktu harga naik.
Reduced prices of gold likely to spur investors' interest, analysts say
Mar 16, 2011 06:48 AMInvestors are likely to return to gold futures and capitalize on the precious metal's recent plunge in value, Bloomberg reports.
A report released by one investment house states that despite gold futures potentially sinking as low as $1,325 per troy ounce, the precious metal is likely to rally. Barclays Capital analysts believe gold futures will supersede the $1,444.95 per troy ounce record price notched March 7 and surge as high as $1,500 per troy ounce.
"Failure to hold above support in the $1,390 area was not unexpected," according to the report. "We would look to buy any dips toward support in the $1,325 area. Our greater view remains bullish."
On Wednesday morning, gold futures returned to prices north of $1,400 per troy ounce. Just prior to 8:30 a.m., gold futures were up 0.79 percent, an $11 climb to $1,403.80 per troy ounce.
The increase marks the precious metal's first gain in about five days. The surge is attributable to ongoing Middle East anti-government protests and fallout from the most destructive earthquake yet to affect Japan, which includes a potential nuclear disaster.
"A close back above $1,405 would encourage our bullish view, although breaking above $1,435 is needed to confirm new highs through $1,445," the report states. "Breaking below the 50- and 100-day averages near $1,380 would increase the risk of a deeper fall toward $1,360."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Harga Emas Jatuh Menjunam USD 40, Ke Bawah Paras USD 1400
Harga emas tanpa disangka-sangka jatuh menjunam begitu teruk sekali sebanyak USD 40 menjadi USD 1386 seounce disebabkan jualan besar-besaran pelabur kerana tekanan pasaran kewangan sedunia. Kebimbangan terhadap kebocoran nuklear di Jepun telah menyebabkan harga saham jatuh teruk.
Harga emas di Malaysia juga menerima kesan yang sama iaitu menjunam kepada RM 3115 untuk jongkong 20 gram. Bagi yang nak membeli, inilah masa yang sesuai kerana harganya jauh lebih rendah daripada harga tertinggi bulan ini. Harga Kijang Emas juga dijangka jatuh esok pagi. Sama-sama kita tengok. Jika ingin membeli Kijang Emas , mungkin esok waktu yang sesuai kerana harganya dijangka turun.
Today’s damage in global stock and commodity markets comes as the U.S. Federal Reserve convenes its Federal Open Market Committee meeting. At 2:15pm eastern time, the FOMC is will announce it is holding interest rates unchanged. The wildcard is the policy statement and whether or not the committee offers a more hawkish view in light of the rise in the oil price and budding inflation pressures.
How the disaster in Japan will affect the Fed and whether or not it will mention the crisis is up for debate. It is likely that the Fed will move slower to tighten monetary policy in light of the events in Japan. Notwithstanding today’s steep drop in the gold price, the longer-term outlook remains positive as the Bank of Japan joins other central banks in an aggressive money-printing campaign designed to plug the vacuum in private demand ushered in by the earthquake and its aftershocks.
With the gold price reaching a new all-time high earlier this month, talk of a gold bubble has escalated once again. One of the world’s most prominent gold bulls, Eric Sprott, weighed in his firm’s latest monthly market commentary. In a piece entitled “Debunking the Gold Bubble Myth,” the founder of Sprott Asset Management presented his case on why the gold price has substantially more room to run.
“We’ve seen bubbles before and fully know how they end,” Sprott wrote, “We have no interest whatsoever in participating in some sort of speculative frenzy – that’s a recipe for disaster in the investment business.” He noted that the firm’s “gold investments present no such risk” at this time.
In response to those who point to the stellar performance of the gold price over the past decade as evidence that gold has reached bubble territory, Sprott presented quite the contrary case. “As our analysis has revealed, gold is actually a surprisingly under-owned asset class – and one that has generated far more attention in the media than it probably deserves. While its exemplary performance since 2000 is certainly worthy of discussion, gold simply hasn’t commanded enough investment to warrant the bubble fears it seems to have aroused among market pundits and business commentators. The truth about gold is that most people simply don’t own it…yet.”
He went on to provide a quantitative analysis demonstrating the extent to which gold is under-owned by investors around the world. At just 0.7% of global financial assets – compared to 5% in 1968 and 3% in 1980 – Sprott contended that not only is the public relatively underinvested in gold, but at present gold prices and production capacity it is not even possible to raise global gold holdings “back to a meaningful level.”
To further support his view, Sprott also pointed to the modest valuations in gold stocks that have persisted during the gold bull market. Based on price-to-EBITDA multiples for the AMEX Gold Bugs Index (HUI), Sprott noted that “valuations for gold stocks are currently one-third of the levels reached by the Nasdaq in late 1999. There simply isn’t any evidence of excessive valuations in gold stocks, which is most certainly where we would expect the excesses to be most apparent.”
“Despite all this talk about the gold bubble,” Sprott concluded, “the capital flows into gold vis-Ã -vis other financial assets have simply not been large enough to indicate any speculative mania.” Instead, investors can be confident that “they are not participating in any speculative bubble by owning gold. They are merely protecting their wealth.”
Gold mining stocks are under heavy selling pressure this morning with the world’s largest gold producers, Barrick Gold (ABX) and Goldcorp (GG), lower by 5.1% and 4.8%, respectively. If Sprott is right about the gold price, then today’s drop is just another bump in gold’s decade-long bull market.
Short URL: http://www.goldalert.com/?p=11683
Harga emas di Malaysia juga menerima kesan yang sama iaitu menjunam kepada RM 3115 untuk jongkong 20 gram. Bagi yang nak membeli, inilah masa yang sesuai kerana harganya jauh lebih rendah daripada harga tertinggi bulan ini. Harga Kijang Emas juga dijangka jatuh esok pagi. Sama-sama kita tengok. Jika ingin membeli Kijang Emas , mungkin esok waktu yang sesuai kerana harganya dijangka turun.
Gold Price Dives $40, Breaks $1,400
GOLD PRICE NEWS – The gold price dropped precipitously Tuesday morning amid massive selling pressure in global financial markets. The price of gold fell $40.50 to $1,386 per ounce against a backdrop of a plunging stock prices in response to escalating worries over a nuclear meltdown in Japan. The Nikkei 225 fell to its lowest level in nearly 2 years, falling 10.6%. Treasury yields fell as investors pondered the fallout from the spread of radiation in Japan. Gold’s sister precious metal, silver, was off $2.21, or 6%, at $33.71 per ounce heading into the open on Wall Street.Today’s damage in global stock and commodity markets comes as the U.S. Federal Reserve convenes its Federal Open Market Committee meeting. At 2:15pm eastern time, the FOMC is will announce it is holding interest rates unchanged. The wildcard is the policy statement and whether or not the committee offers a more hawkish view in light of the rise in the oil price and budding inflation pressures.
How the disaster in Japan will affect the Fed and whether or not it will mention the crisis is up for debate. It is likely that the Fed will move slower to tighten monetary policy in light of the events in Japan. Notwithstanding today’s steep drop in the gold price, the longer-term outlook remains positive as the Bank of Japan joins other central banks in an aggressive money-printing campaign designed to plug the vacuum in private demand ushered in by the earthquake and its aftershocks.
With the gold price reaching a new all-time high earlier this month, talk of a gold bubble has escalated once again. One of the world’s most prominent gold bulls, Eric Sprott, weighed in his firm’s latest monthly market commentary. In a piece entitled “Debunking the Gold Bubble Myth,” the founder of Sprott Asset Management presented his case on why the gold price has substantially more room to run.
“We’ve seen bubbles before and fully know how they end,” Sprott wrote, “We have no interest whatsoever in participating in some sort of speculative frenzy – that’s a recipe for disaster in the investment business.” He noted that the firm’s “gold investments present no such risk” at this time.
In response to those who point to the stellar performance of the gold price over the past decade as evidence that gold has reached bubble territory, Sprott presented quite the contrary case. “As our analysis has revealed, gold is actually a surprisingly under-owned asset class – and one that has generated far more attention in the media than it probably deserves. While its exemplary performance since 2000 is certainly worthy of discussion, gold simply hasn’t commanded enough investment to warrant the bubble fears it seems to have aroused among market pundits and business commentators. The truth about gold is that most people simply don’t own it…yet.”
He went on to provide a quantitative analysis demonstrating the extent to which gold is under-owned by investors around the world. At just 0.7% of global financial assets – compared to 5% in 1968 and 3% in 1980 – Sprott contended that not only is the public relatively underinvested in gold, but at present gold prices and production capacity it is not even possible to raise global gold holdings “back to a meaningful level.”
To further support his view, Sprott also pointed to the modest valuations in gold stocks that have persisted during the gold bull market. Based on price-to-EBITDA multiples for the AMEX Gold Bugs Index (HUI), Sprott noted that “valuations for gold stocks are currently one-third of the levels reached by the Nasdaq in late 1999. There simply isn’t any evidence of excessive valuations in gold stocks, which is most certainly where we would expect the excesses to be most apparent.”
“Despite all this talk about the gold bubble,” Sprott concluded, “the capital flows into gold vis-Ã -vis other financial assets have simply not been large enough to indicate any speculative mania.” Instead, investors can be confident that “they are not participating in any speculative bubble by owning gold. They are merely protecting their wealth.”
Gold mining stocks are under heavy selling pressure this morning with the world’s largest gold producers, Barrick Gold (ABX) and Goldcorp (GG), lower by 5.1% and 4.8%, respectively. If Sprott is right about the gold price, then today’s drop is just another bump in gold’s decade-long bull market.
Short URL: http://www.goldalert.com/?p=11683
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Harga Emas Naik Setelah Gempa Bumi di Jepun
Harga Emas yang sedang turun naik kembali dan menuju ke arah yang lebih tinggi disebabkan kejadian gempa bumi di Jepun menyebabkan pelaburan beralih kepada pelaburan selamat. (pelaburan emas). Harga emas meningkat sebanyak USD 9.30 dan ditutup pada harga USD 1,421.80 seounce.
Gold Prices Rebound After Japan Quake
NEW YORK (TheStreet ) -- Gold prices reversed directions Friday and headed higher as an earthquake in Japan triggered safe haven buying.
Gold for April delivery added $9.30 to close at $1,421.80 an ounce at the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. The gold price has traded as high as $1,423 and as low as $1,404.80. The spot gold price was adding $9.40, according to Kitco's gold index.
The worst earthquake in Japan for 140 years squeezed global markets Friday as investors tried to digest how this would affect neighboring countries, demand for commodities and curtail a worldwide economic recovery.
Gold pared earlier losses and headed higher on safe haven buying and a weaker U.S. dollar but was missing the momentum that usually accompanies any market panic.
"I believe it could be and should be ... $20 higher," says David Morgan, founder of Silver-Investor.com. Morgan speculates that the lack of a big rally in gold points to big buyers doing some big selling. "It's profit taking [and] ... there's powers in there that say 'you know we don't want gold any higher.'"
Morgan is now forecasting a wide range for gold from about $1,320 to $1,420 an ounce.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Perak Akan Naik Sehingga USD 50 ?
Ramai telah mengetahui harga perak naik lebih cepat daripada emas. Artikel di bawah menjangkakan perak mungkin akan naik sehingga USD 50 seounce dalam masa 2 atau 3 tahun, atau mungkin lebih awal. sama-sama kita tunggu.
With today’s advance, the silver price is now higher by $5.80, or 18.7%, year-to-date.
Commenting on the outlook for silver, Silver Wheaton’s CEO, Peter Barnes, stated in a CNBC interview that he sees the silver price reaching $50 per ounce in the next two to three years, but that it also could happen sooner. Furthermore, Barnes predicted the price of silver will be “extremely high” over at least the next three to five years.
Over the past three decades, the silver price has not been anywhere near its all-time record high of $50, reached in 1980 as the Hunt Brothers tried to corner the market.
Short URL: http://www.goldalert.com/?p=11401
Silver Price Eclipses $36, $50 Ahead?
SILVER PRICE NEWS – The silver price climbed as much as $1.42, or 4.0%, to $36.745 per ounce Monday morning amid another record-setting day for precious metals. The rally in the silver price, which has been fast and furious in recent weeks, sent the price of silver to yet another new 31-year high.With today’s advance, the silver price is now higher by $5.80, or 18.7%, year-to-date.
Commenting on the outlook for silver, Silver Wheaton’s CEO, Peter Barnes, stated in a CNBC interview that he sees the silver price reaching $50 per ounce in the next two to three years, but that it also could happen sooner. Furthermore, Barnes predicted the price of silver will be “extremely high” over at least the next three to five years.
Over the past three decades, the silver price has not been anywhere near its all-time record high of $50, reached in 1980 as the Hunt Brothers tried to corner the market.
Short URL: http://www.goldalert.com/?p=11401
Pengiraan Zakat Emas dan Perak (by jutawanemas.com)
( Artikel ini dipetik dari laman web www.jutawanemas.com oleh Encik Syukor Hashim )
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Apa khabar pembaca semua? Saya doakan anda semua sihat, ceria dan gembira adanya
Baiklah kali ini saya ingin berkongsi maklumat berkenaan zakat emas dan perak serta kaedah pengiraannya.
Untuk pengetahuan anda emas dan perak adalah termasuk di dalam kategori logam berharga yang diwajibkan zakat jika cukup haul dan nisab
“Dan mereka yang menyimpan emas dan perak dan tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah (mengeluarkan zakat) maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan azab yang pedih, pada hari emas dan perak dibakar di dalam neraka jahanam lalu diselar dengannya dahi dan rusuk mereka dan belakang mereka seraya dikatakan kepada mereka inilah harta yang kamu simpan selama ini buat diri mu, maka rasailah balasan apa yang kamu simpan dahulu” (At- Taubah; ayat 34-35)
Zakat emas dikira dalam dua keadaan iaitu:
1. Zakat emas yang disimpan (tidak dipakai)
2. Zakat emas yang dipakai.
Jawapan: Tidak wajib, kerana tidak sempurna milik
2. Soalan: Adakah emas yang disimpan di dalam bank (safe deposit box) perlu dizakatkan?
Jawapan: Ya, wajib dizakatkan dan dikira sebagai emas yang disimpan.
3. Soalan: Saya memiliki beberapa utas rantai emas tetapi saya gadaikan untuk membuat modal perniagaan. Adakah wajib membayar zakat bagi rantai emas yang digadaikan itu?
Jawapan: Tidak wajib dizakatkan kecuali setelah ditebus semula. Kiraan haul bermula pada hari ditebus.
4. Soalan: Ibu saya mempunyai emas yang sudah cukup syarat untuk dizakatkan. Tetapi beliau meninggal dunia sebelum sempat mengeluarkan zakat. Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab membayar zakat tersebut? Daripada sumber mana yang perlu digunakan untuk membayar zakat tersebut?
Jawapan: Waris perlulah melunaskan bayaran zakat tersebut dengan menggunakan duit si mati sebelum harta peninggalannya di faraid.
5. Soalan: Adakah saya wajib membayar zakat emas perhiasan yang telah disimpan dan diwarisi daripada nenek?
Jawapan: Ya, emas perhiasan yang disimpan dan diwarisi wajib dikeluarkan zakat sekiranya cukup syarat.
6. Soalan: Saya ada emas yang dipakai. Ia tidak cukup untuk dikeluarkan zakat. Tetapi jika dicampurkan dengan emas yang digadai, cukup untuk bayar zakat. Persoalannya, wajib kah saya membayar zakat?
Jawapan: Tidak wajib dikenakan zakat kerana tidak cukup nisab dan emas yang digadai tidak sempurna milik.
(sumber: http://web.e-zakat.com.my/baru/organisasi/faq.asp)
p/s: Banyak lagi persoalan zakat yang boleh didapati dengan melawat link diatas.
Ok then, selamat membuat pelaburan emas dan perak
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Apa khabar pembaca semua? Saya doakan anda semua sihat, ceria dan gembira adanya
Baiklah kali ini saya ingin berkongsi maklumat berkenaan zakat emas dan perak serta kaedah pengiraannya.
Untuk pengetahuan anda emas dan perak adalah termasuk di dalam kategori logam berharga yang diwajibkan zakat jika cukup haul dan nisab
- Haul merujuk kepada tempoh masa iaitu setahun.Kewajipan zakat ke atas logam ini dijelaskan dalam firman Allah S.W.T. bermaksud:
- Nisab pula merujuk kepada nilai berat.
“Dan mereka yang menyimpan emas dan perak dan tidak membelanjakannya pada jalan Allah (mengeluarkan zakat) maka khabarkanlah kepada mereka dengan azab yang pedih, pada hari emas dan perak dibakar di dalam neraka jahanam lalu diselar dengannya dahi dan rusuk mereka dan belakang mereka seraya dikatakan kepada mereka inilah harta yang kamu simpan selama ini buat diri mu, maka rasailah balasan apa yang kamu simpan dahulu” (At- Taubah; ayat 34-35)
Zakat emas dikira dalam dua keadaan iaitu:
1. Zakat emas yang disimpan (tidak dipakai)
2. Zakat emas yang dipakai.
1. Zakat emas yang disimpan (tidak dipakai)
Emas yang tidak digunakan atau dipakai walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun. Jika nilai emas tersebut menyamai atau melebihi 85gram (nisab), maka wajib dikeluarkan zakat sebanyak 2.5%.Contoh: Anda memiliki 100 gram jongkong emas bernilai RM160/gram (harga semasa) dan telah menyimpannya selama setahun.
Jumlah zakat = 2.5% x RM16,000
= RM400
2. Zakat emas yang dipakai (sebagai perhiasan)
Emas yang dipakai (sebagai perhiasan) walaupun sekali dalam tempoh setahun tidak wajib dikeluarkan zakat ke atasnya. Tetapi jika ia melebihi ‘uruf’ (uruf merujuk kepada nilai kebiasaan pemakaian emas bagi wanita di sesebuah tempat), maka ia diwajibkan zakat dengan kadar 2.5% atas lebihan daripada nilai uruf. Nilai yang diambil kira adalah nilai semasa emas sahaja iaitu tidak termasuk batu permata.Contoh: Jika anda bermastautin di Wilayah Persekutuan maka kadar uruf adalah 150 gram emas. (jika anda bermastautin di negeri lain, sila rujuk kadar uruf bagi negeri anda di bawah)
Contoh: Berat emas yang dipakai ialah 250 gram
Berat Emas yang layak dizakatkan adalah:
= 250 gram – 150 gram (uruf)
= 100gram
Zakat yang wajib dibayar = 2.5% x (100 gram x harga semasa)
(andaian harga emas semasa RM157.00 / gram)
= 2.5% x (100 gram x RM157.00)
= RM392.00
Nilai uruf bagi negeri-negeri di Malaysia.
Berikut adalah nilai uruf bagi negeri-negeri di Malaysia.- Uruf emas bagi negeri Kedah adalah 150 gram.
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Perlis adalah 170 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Pulau Pinang adalah 165 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Melaka adalah RM5000
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Johor adalah 850 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Sembilan adalah 200 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Selangor adalah 800 gram
- Uruf emas bagi Wilayah Persekutuan adalah 150 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Kelantan : tiada uruf
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Terengganu adalah 850 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Pahang adalah 200 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Perak adalah 500 gram
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Sabah adalah RM5000
- Uruf emas bagi negeri Sarawak adalah 775 gram
Soalan-soalan lazim yang perlu diketahui mengenai zakat emas:
1. Soalan: Sekiranya saya telah menggadaikan sejumlah emas perhiasan ke dalam skim Ar-Rahn, perlukah saya membayar zakat untuk emas yang digadaikan itu?Jawapan: Tidak wajib, kerana tidak sempurna milik
2. Soalan: Adakah emas yang disimpan di dalam bank (safe deposit box) perlu dizakatkan?
Jawapan: Ya, wajib dizakatkan dan dikira sebagai emas yang disimpan.
3. Soalan: Saya memiliki beberapa utas rantai emas tetapi saya gadaikan untuk membuat modal perniagaan. Adakah wajib membayar zakat bagi rantai emas yang digadaikan itu?
Jawapan: Tidak wajib dizakatkan kecuali setelah ditebus semula. Kiraan haul bermula pada hari ditebus.
4. Soalan: Ibu saya mempunyai emas yang sudah cukup syarat untuk dizakatkan. Tetapi beliau meninggal dunia sebelum sempat mengeluarkan zakat. Siapakah yang bertanggungjawab membayar zakat tersebut? Daripada sumber mana yang perlu digunakan untuk membayar zakat tersebut?
Jawapan: Waris perlulah melunaskan bayaran zakat tersebut dengan menggunakan duit si mati sebelum harta peninggalannya di faraid.
5. Soalan: Adakah saya wajib membayar zakat emas perhiasan yang telah disimpan dan diwarisi daripada nenek?
Jawapan: Ya, emas perhiasan yang disimpan dan diwarisi wajib dikeluarkan zakat sekiranya cukup syarat.
6. Soalan: Saya ada emas yang dipakai. Ia tidak cukup untuk dikeluarkan zakat. Tetapi jika dicampurkan dengan emas yang digadai, cukup untuk bayar zakat. Persoalannya, wajib kah saya membayar zakat?
Jawapan: Tidak wajib dikenakan zakat kerana tidak cukup nisab dan emas yang digadai tidak sempurna milik.
(sumber: http://web.e-zakat.com.my/baru/organisasi/faq.asp)
p/s: Banyak lagi persoalan zakat yang boleh didapati dengan melawat link diatas.
Pengiraan zakat perak.
Bagi zakat perak, ia perlu memenuhi syarat cukup haul dan nisab.- Haul ialah tempoh masa setahun
- Nisab zakat perak sebanyak 200 dirham iaitu sama atau melebihi 595 gram (1 dirham = 2.975 gram)
Formula: [berat perak (gram)] x [harga perak semasa/gram] x 2.5%
Contoh: Anda menyimpan 1kg perak 999
Katakan harga semasa 1kg perak 999 adalah RM4500
Zakat perak yang wajib dibayar = 2.5% x RM4500
= RM112.50
Saya berharap agar topik ini membantu anda memahami persoalan zakat emas dan perak. Ini kerana zakat merupakan kewajipan terhadap orang Islam yang cukup syarat. Sebagai pelabur sudah tentu kita inginkan kekayaan dunia dan kekayaan di akhirat . Keberkatan di dunia dan keberkatan di akhirat.Ok then, selamat membuat pelaburan emas dan perak
Emas Catat Rekod Tertinggi USD 1440 Disebabkan Situasi di Libya
Emas mencatat sejarah tertinggi naik sehingga USD 1444 hari ini disebabkan kebimbangan pelabur terhadap situasi tegang di Libya. Pembeli emas dan perak pada bulan Januari 2011 sudah beli meraih keuntungan jika menjual emas pada waktu ini. Tapi buat apa jual. Bukankah harga akan naik lagi !
Gold strikes record at $1,440 on Libya chaos
Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/economics/225179/gold-strikes-record-at-1440-on-libya-chaos
Gold strikes record at $1,440 on Libya chaos
LONDON : Gold glistened last week, striking a record peak as investors hunted for a safe haven amid violent unrest in Libya that has sparked fears about spreading instability in the Middle East and North Africa.
New York crude crossed $104 per barrel to reach the highest level for 30 months as the African nation was forced to slash exports.
"Unrest in the region continues apace, with Libya effectively remaining out of the oil market; while the replacement of the lost Libyan barrels is eating into spare capacity, rampant demand growth is adding further pressure," said Barclays Capital analyst Sudakshina Unnikrishnan.
Commodities won further support on Friday as the euro bounced above $1.40 for the first time in nearly four months, after a surprise drop in the US unemployment rate and accelerated job creation. A weaker greenback makes dollar-priced commodities cheaper for buyers holding other currencies and tends to stimulate demand.
Precious metals: Gold peaked at $1,440.32 per ounce on Wednesday, while silver struck a 30-year high of $35.36 on Friday. On the London Bullion Market, gold closed the week at $1,427, up from $1,402.50 a week earlier. Silver closed at $34.43, up from $32.54. On the London Platinum and Palladium Market, platinum climbed to $1,828 an ounce from $1,791 and palladium rose to $811 from $785.
Oil: New York crude surged to $104.32 on Friday, a level last seen on Sept 29, 2008, as violence escalated in Libya.
"It seems likely that soon there will be no oil exports at all from Libya, a loss of 1.4 million barrels per day to the global markets, and a particular concern to refiners in Italy and elsewhere in Europe," said said Deutsche Bank analyst Adam Sieminski.
The head of Libya's National Oil Corporation, Shukri Ghanem, said on Thursday that production had been halved.
Brent crude has been trading higher than WTI partly because of high US energy inventory levels.
"It's taken a while for the WTI contract to wake up to the potential stresses in the oil market," said GFT analyst David Morrison.
Brent crude for April delivery rallied in London on Friday to $115.77, compared with $111.57 a week earlier. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, Texas light sweet crude for April traded at $103.45, compared with $97.24 a week earlier.Base metals: Prices mainly rose as traders took direction from the faltering dollar. On the London Metal Exchange (LME), copper for delivery in three months rose to $9,935 a tonne from $9,711 a week earlier. Three-month aluminium increased to $2,612 from $2,558, lead to $2,638 from $2,495, tin eased to $31,750 from $31,788, zinc to $2,491.25 from $2,493, while nickel rallied to $28,900 from $27,710.
Source: http://www.bangkokpost.com/business/economics/225179/gold-strikes-record-at-1440-on-libya-chaos
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Emas Naik Tinggi USD 1431 dan Perak Tertinggi Sejak 31 Tahun
Seperti dijangka harga emas naik mendadak dan hampir mencecah rekod tertinggi pada bulan Disember 2010 iaitu USD 1434.10. Maknanya mereka yang beli emas pada bulan Januari lalu sudah boleh jana keuntungan jika menjual pada harga 'We Buy'.
Begitu juga dengan perak. Harga naik dan mencatat nilai tertinggi sejak 31 tahun lalu. Harga 'We Buy' juga sudah boleh mencatat keuntungan.
Menurut penganalisis, kenaikan ini disebabkan kenaikan inflasi di seluruh dunia dan kegagalan pihak US Federal Reserve merangka strategi yang meyakinkan pelabur untuk menangani kenaikan inflasi berkenaan. Susut nilai US Dollar dan ketegangan di Asia Tengah juga menyumbang kepada kenaikan harga emas dan perak ini.
Jadi, beruntunglah bagi yang masih menyimpan kedua-dua logam ini. Bagi yang nak membeli pun apa salahnya kerana harga mungkin naik lagi, cuma kita tidak tahu sampai tahap mana.
Mari kita lihat harga emas dan perak di Malaysia pada masa ini :

P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Scores Record-High Close; Silver at 31-Year High
(Kitco News) - Comex gold futures prices Tuesday closed sharply higher and at a fresh all-time record high close of $1,431.20 an ounce, basis April futures. Meantime, Comex silver futures hit a fresh 31-year high Tuesday. The precious metals are seeing support from bullish technicals and continued safe-haven investment demand from ongoing tensions in the Middle East. A weakening U.S. dollar index is also an underlying bullish factor for the metals. Comex April gold last traded up $21.50 an ounce at $1,431.40. Spot gold last traded up $19.80 at $1,431.50.
The precious metals markets remain in a fully bullish technical and fundamental posture. Fundamentally, the specter of inflationary price pressures worldwide is gaining more attention. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke to the Senate Tuesday on U.S. monetary policy. His remarks did nothing to assuage investor concerns about inflationary price pressures. Traders know the Fed is still leaning toward a very accommodative monetary stance, which does augur for more inflation in the coming months. Commodity prices in general are at multi-year highs, while the central banks of the major industrial economies have implemented quantitative easing the past 12 months. Those are two key components for inflationary price pressures.
The civil unrest in the Middle East today saw a development when it was reported that Iranians were protesting in the streets. Also, the situation in Libya is still tense. Crude oil futures prices surged by over $2.50 a barrel on that news, which was also a positive factor for the precious metals market bulls. The overall Middle East situation and its uncertainty are still inviting safe-haven investment demand into the precious metals markets. Any major flare-up in the Middle East would now likely push gold sharply higher.
The U.S. dollar index hit another fresh four-month low overnight. The index did rebound from its low Tuesday, but the technical posture of the index remains weak. If the dollar index continues to trade sideways to lower, which is what the technical picture is suggesting at present, then that would continue to be gold-market-bullish.
The London P.M. gold fix was $1,420.75 versus the previous P.M. fixing of $1,411.00.
Technically, April gold futures prices closed nearer the session high, hit a fresh 11-week high and closed at a fresh all-time high close Tuesday. Prices came very close to taking out the all-time record intra-day high of $1,434.10 scored in early December. The gold market bulls have the strong overall technical advantage. A steep four-week-old price uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next near-term upside technical breakout objective is to produce a close above solid technical resistance at the all-time high of $1,434.10. Bears' next near-term downside price breakout objective is closing prices below major psychological support at $1,400.00. First resistance is seen at $1,434.10 and then at $1,440.00. First support is seen at $1,420.00 and then at Tuesday's low of $1,409.80. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.5.
May silver futures closed up 71.0 cents at $34.53 an ounce Tuesday. Prices closed near the session high and hit a fresh contract and 31-year high today. Tensions in the Middle East are also supporting the silver market. The silver bulls have the strong overall near-term technical advantage and gained more power Tuesday. Prices are in a steep four-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at last week's low of $31.705. Bulls' next upside price breakout objective is producing a close above solid technical resistance at $35.00 an ounce. First resistance is seen at Tuesday's contract high of $34.57 and then at $35.00. Next support is seen at $34.315 and then at $34.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 9.5.
Begitu juga dengan perak. Harga naik dan mencatat nilai tertinggi sejak 31 tahun lalu. Harga 'We Buy' juga sudah boleh mencatat keuntungan.
Menurut penganalisis, kenaikan ini disebabkan kenaikan inflasi di seluruh dunia dan kegagalan pihak US Federal Reserve merangka strategi yang meyakinkan pelabur untuk menangani kenaikan inflasi berkenaan. Susut nilai US Dollar dan ketegangan di Asia Tengah juga menyumbang kepada kenaikan harga emas dan perak ini.
Jadi, beruntunglah bagi yang masih menyimpan kedua-dua logam ini. Bagi yang nak membeli pun apa salahnya kerana harga mungkin naik lagi, cuma kita tidak tahu sampai tahap mana.
Mari kita lihat harga emas dan perak di Malaysia pada masa ini :

P.M. Kitco Metals Roundup: Comex Gold Scores Record-High Close; Silver at 31-Year High
(Kitco News) - Comex gold futures prices Tuesday closed sharply higher and at a fresh all-time record high close of $1,431.20 an ounce, basis April futures. Meantime, Comex silver futures hit a fresh 31-year high Tuesday. The precious metals are seeing support from bullish technicals and continued safe-haven investment demand from ongoing tensions in the Middle East. A weakening U.S. dollar index is also an underlying bullish factor for the metals. Comex April gold last traded up $21.50 an ounce at $1,431.40. Spot gold last traded up $19.80 at $1,431.50.
The precious metals markets remain in a fully bullish technical and fundamental posture. Fundamentally, the specter of inflationary price pressures worldwide is gaining more attention. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke spoke to the Senate Tuesday on U.S. monetary policy. His remarks did nothing to assuage investor concerns about inflationary price pressures. Traders know the Fed is still leaning toward a very accommodative monetary stance, which does augur for more inflation in the coming months. Commodity prices in general are at multi-year highs, while the central banks of the major industrial economies have implemented quantitative easing the past 12 months. Those are two key components for inflationary price pressures.
The civil unrest in the Middle East today saw a development when it was reported that Iranians were protesting in the streets. Also, the situation in Libya is still tense. Crude oil futures prices surged by over $2.50 a barrel on that news, which was also a positive factor for the precious metals market bulls. The overall Middle East situation and its uncertainty are still inviting safe-haven investment demand into the precious metals markets. Any major flare-up in the Middle East would now likely push gold sharply higher.
The U.S. dollar index hit another fresh four-month low overnight. The index did rebound from its low Tuesday, but the technical posture of the index remains weak. If the dollar index continues to trade sideways to lower, which is what the technical picture is suggesting at present, then that would continue to be gold-market-bullish.
The London P.M. gold fix was $1,420.75 versus the previous P.M. fixing of $1,411.00.
Technically, April gold futures prices closed nearer the session high, hit a fresh 11-week high and closed at a fresh all-time high close Tuesday. Prices came very close to taking out the all-time record intra-day high of $1,434.10 scored in early December. The gold market bulls have the strong overall technical advantage. A steep four-week-old price uptrend is in place on the daily bar chart. Bulls' next near-term upside technical breakout objective is to produce a close above solid technical resistance at the all-time high of $1,434.10. Bears' next near-term downside price breakout objective is closing prices below major psychological support at $1,400.00. First resistance is seen at $1,434.10 and then at $1,440.00. First support is seen at $1,420.00 and then at Tuesday's low of $1,409.80. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 8.5.
May silver futures closed up 71.0 cents at $34.53 an ounce Tuesday. Prices closed near the session high and hit a fresh contract and 31-year high today. Tensions in the Middle East are also supporting the silver market. The silver bulls have the strong overall near-term technical advantage and gained more power Tuesday. Prices are in a steep four-week-old uptrend on the daily bar chart. The next downside price breakout objective for the bears is closing prices below solid technical support at last week's low of $31.705. Bulls' next upside price breakout objective is producing a close above solid technical resistance at $35.00 an ounce. First resistance is seen at Tuesday's contract high of $34.57 and then at $35.00. Next support is seen at $34.315 and then at $34.00. Wyckoff's Market Rating: 9.5.
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